Video review
Record a review video of the Yummy Profit app

- The video has your face and should be clear.
- The shortest video length is 2 minutes.
- The title of the video needs to contain the keyword: "YummyProfit" or ""
- Videos can be uploaded on: Youtube, Vimeo, Facebook, Aparat or Youku.
Video cannot be deleted after receiving the reward. If you delete the video, it will be considered fraud and your account will be permanently locked.
Post content or video on facebook/twitter

- Like fanpage or follow twitter.
- Post content or videos on facebook/twitter
- Post: include text post (post text) or Image post (post image) with text caption.
- Video: Includes video uploaded directly to facebook, at least 2 minutes in length with one of the following resolutions: 720x1280, 1920x1080 and 1:1 or 16:9 aspect ratio
- Post with hashtag #yummyprofit
Posts cannot be deleted. If you delete the post, it will be considered cheating and your account will be permanently locked.
Rate and Review
Rate and review us on the apple or google play store

- Rate us well (5 stars) on apple store or google play store
- App review on apple or google store, 40+ characters required
Do not edit or delete your comments, reviews. If you delete the review, it will be considered cheating and your account will be permanently locked.
Your income:
10 YUM or 2 USDT
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